“Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found trustworthy.”  1 Corinthians 4:2

All throughout the month of October, I will be preaching and writing about the subject of giving and stewardship.  I am convinced more than ever that far too many church leaders have largely been silent when it comes teaching and equipping people in this vital area of the Christian life.  God’s Word has so very much to say about money, possessions, and the way that we respond to wealth.  Jesus had more to say about money and possessions than any other subject.  More than 15% of everything that Jesu said related to money and the way that we respond to it.  Out of the 38 parables that Jesus told, 16 directly deal with the way we respond to material wealth.  Jesus said more about money than He did about heaven and hell combined.  One out of every ten verses in the gospels deal with money and material possessions, which equals out to some 288 verses.  The Bible contains more than 500 references to prayer, right at 500 references to faith, but there are more than 2,350 references to money and possessions.  Evidently, this is a subject that God desires for us to have a proper perspective on.

In many ways, our response to wealth is an indicator of where we are spiritually.  Jesus said that our treasure will reveal where our heart really is.  Our culture here in the west has become extremely materialistic.  The mentality of our day is consumerism.  In our understanding, the more that a person has, the more “blessed” that person is.  But is this really biblical?  Just because someone has a lot of wealth doesn’t necessarily mean that the blessing of God is on their life.  Jesus said that true blessing comes from giving, not in receiving.  The only antidote to materialism is cultivating a heart of generosity.  Christ’s disciples are known for such generosity.  Stewardship is a matter of discipleship.  When Jesus Christ has my heart, He will also have every other part of me, including the material wealth and possessions He has entrusted me with.

Be sure to click on the “Sermon Notes” tab at the top of this page and download my sermon notes as I teach throughout October on, “Giving That Glorifies God.”  I look forward to seeing you this Sunday at Green Street.