imagesWe all set goals and come up with resolutions every January.  Of course, the most important goal you can have as a believer in 2016 is to read God’s Word with regularity and devotion.  In a world that view absolute truth as subject to individual interpretation, the Bible’s claims and stories seems obsolete to many modern minds. However, the Bible has not changed and is as relevant now as it ever has been. What has changed is the number of people who consult it. Now more than ever, the need to read and study the Bible, to understand the big picture of its storyline, and to grasp the relevance it has for your life is critical.

The reading plan that I am promoting this year is the M’Cheyne Reading plan that has been around for more than 150 years. Robert Murray M’Cheyne was a 19th century pastor and preacher who lived in Scotland. Among his legacy is this well-known plan for reading the Bible. His plan takes the reader through the the Old Testament once and the New Testament and Psalms twice per year. I am also using a companion guide by D.A. Carson entitled, “For the Love of God.” This volume is a devotional based on the M’Cheyne Bible reading schedule, and I am sure the interested reader will find it very helpful and thought provoking. To order a copy, visit the online store where you can purchase either a paperback copy or a Kindle version.

Also, I have included a link below where you can download a free PDF file of Dr. Carson’s book.

Here’s a free Copy of “For the Love of God” to accompany the M’Cheyne Bible Reading plan for 2016.  The reading plan will be available on my website all year long for your convenience.

M’Cheyne Reading Plan PDF